Home Value July 8, 2022

Online Estimation Tools (?)

I love my wife.  But, I suspect she trusts Zestimate more than her own trusted realtor (that would be, me).  As you know, there are many online sites providing estimated home values.  Are they accurate?  Trust-worthy?  The answer (I keep presenting to my wife) is “yes”, but only to a certain degree.  They are mostly automated, numbers-based estimates based on proprietary algorithms.  They can be a good starting point, but lacks qualitative factors which may end up misleading.

There are more sophisticated tools/processes available to the professionals.  These tools can take into account your home’s unique features, recent upgrades, and other qualitative factors.  Some even estimate your resulting net-equity so to minimize any surprises down the road.  (And, “now, from our sponsor”)  I provide “Free Home Value Assessment” as a Free Consultation.  I call it a “consultation” since it is not a simple check-the-box type of survey questions, but more of an iterative process.  If interested, please [GET THE REPORT] or email me at casey.song@coldwellbanker.com.